Could be forty-five seconds or an hour
We never really know
‘Cause time keeps on slipping through our fingers
And we can’t reverse the flow

But I want time to stand still for a lifetime with you
‘Cause it’s never enough
‘Cause I know the time I get to hold you in my arms
Is worth everything, ’cause we never know
When the last time will be the last time

I wanna look at your face a little longer
Breathe you in and never exhale, no
I want to feel your warmth around me always
And never let you go

And I want time to stand still for a lifetime with you
‘Cause it’s never enough
But I know the time I get to hold you in my arms
Is worth everything, ’cause we never know
When the last time will be the last time

I know some day all this time is gonna run out
And we’ll have to leave this cruel world
But I want you to know that the love I have for you
Will carry on and never run its course

And I want time to stand still for a lifetime with you
‘Cause it’s never enough
But I know the time I get to hold you in my arms
Is worth everything, ’cause we never know
When the last time will be the last time

Written by Doug McDonald. © 2018 William D. McDonald. All rights reserved.